Virtual City: 1000
Screen-printed paper cubes
1000 screen-printed cubes are used for the installation.
Cubes are 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 inches each.
The cubes are arranged as a functional QR code so that participants can scan the artwork from a birds eye's view. Once they read the artwork as a QR code with their phone or tablet, they can see themselves depicted on their screens as an active agent in the network.
City Growth
Virtual City_1000 highlights the interdependent relationships between nodes of a network and the emergence of virtual elements through the use of corporeal pixels as a QR code.
The QR code works entirely dependent on each pixel’s position in the sequence of a given resolution. The small square pixels come together in a specific order to convey information as a singular code, allowing users access to a virtual experience. In other words, as a big image, the whole of the QR code appears to be a singular symbol, but it is really a combination of somewhere between 441 and 31,329 interconnected square pixels. Each individual pixel will not function as a code by itself, but when they are all arranged together in a specific order the viewer experiences the emergence of a code, an element of the system that is more than the simple sum of its parts.
The code exists as an opportunity for art viewers to become art users by engaging with the work through decoding devices, such as a phone or tablet. These devices have become a kind of secondary sense carried on our bodies at nearly all times. It is an extra sense through which one experiences and connects with virtual networks.
In these symbiotic relationships, each element first seems to exist in isolation but through studying relationships between all things we can analyze them more accurately within the context of the web of interconnectivity.